28 February 2007

I think I'm ready to dye

So, this past weekend, I broke two of my favorite rosewood dpns. They were a gift from my super-excellent Secret Pal, Sibylle. What a bummer!

I've been in a holding pattern on my teal/grey striped socks because of my broken needles.

Maybe I'm too hard on my needles...it might be better for me to stick to harder wood or metal needles, huh?

Well, I ordered a few things from Knit Picks and they arrived today --- including a hank of "Bare" merino that is ready to soak up some dye. I'm so excited! I can't wait to give it a try. My mom gave me a cool book on natural dying...I want to give it a whirl in the next week or so. If anyone has suggestions on good natural dyes, lay it on me!

I casted on sock #2 this evening and have about an inch done...slowly but surely. I really want to finish this pair ASAP so I can have my Irish Cable Bag finished by St. Patrick's Day.


Jan said...

Boy, breaking rosewoods is enough to make you cry isn't it? I made my first pair of socks on metal needles but they were so slippery I had to keep stopping to count my stitches. Next I went to pony's which were almost too sticky. It was hard to get a flow going. Now I only use bamboo. If they break its no biggy and they are smooth enough for the yarn to flow. I do love the look of your socks. They are going to be gorgeous when done.

Anonymous said...

I prefer the Crystal Palace bamboo needles, they're the smoothest of the wooden, affordable needles. Takumi/Clover is the second choice.
I just rec'd some new metal, Addi, #1's in the mail today. If I don't like them, you can have 'em.


MsFortuknit said...

Youve got great taste!