07 October 2006

Operation Clean Sweep

I woke up too early for a Saturday -- 6am. I decided to do some fall cleaning --- focusing primarily on my closets.

After a few hours, I loaded several bags into my car and delivered them to my local Salvation Army. (If I don't get those bags out of my house asap, they can sometimes lay around for a few weeks...or months). It feels good to have my closets organized again.

The fall cleaning bug then transferred over to my yarn stash. I used some extra plastic boxes from my closet to house yarn.

This was WAY better than my previous system (or lack of one), keeping yarn in clear plastic bags --- which ended up in various places throughout my house.

During Operation Clean Sweep I came across a baby blanket I started crocheting about 3 years ago. It's about 30% complete. I remember it being really boring --- probably why I blocked it from my mind and hid it the back of my closet.

Maybe I'll get bored and finish it...or something. I can't imagine frogging it and using the squeaky acrylic for anything else.


Artis-Anne said...

Oh my , you put me to shame , I have a room full of yarn in various bags and boxes :fancy a trip to North Wales ?

Cathy said...

i found a baby blanket i didn't want to finish
i gave it to a fiend who finished it & she donated it to a troubled children shelter