Don't you hate it when...
Don't you hate it when you are working on a project and you leave the pattern at your mom's house for a couple weeks. Then you make a special trip over there to pick it up (along with your golf clubs) home in rush hour traffic to find you left the book on Mom's table?!

I hate when that happens!!
I'm totally motivated to finish a particular project this week (it's a secret until I give it to a certain someone). I'm having a hard time starting a new knit project until I finish this particular one.
So, what have I been doing instead? Spinning!!

I hate when that happens!!
I'm totally motivated to finish a particular project this week (it's a secret until I give it to a certain someone). I'm having a hard time starting a new knit project until I finish this particular one.
So, what have I been doing instead? Spinning!!
Here's a few hundred yards of sparkley purple alpaca I spun up over the weekend. The picture really don't show how pretty it is. My plan is to knit my very first shawl with it. Now to just decide what pattern...
Hahahahaha! Thats funny! Oh, please take a picture of you golfing for me! Did you take your clubs from when we were 12?
hey step...
did you spin this with a drop spindle??
I looked at that yarn and thought "PRETTY! Where'd she buy that?" Awesome work!
Thanks so much! I spun it up on a Louet wheel...I'm not much of a handle spindler (yup, that's a new word).
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