Are You Kidding Me?!
Doesn't this look like something those funny girls from You Knit What would just love?
I received this in an email --- the subject was "I've always wanted to learn to knit!"
I want to meet the person that came up with this's really funny and creepy.
There's my next Halloween costume!!!! hee hee!
Umm, wow.
lol, but it's crocheted!
It reminds me of the Blue Man Group in Hunter Orange. And at least it's a lot better than "The Mohairknitter"!
Ewww. Just ewww.
How odd! For some reason I thought of Cingular when I saw the pictures. : )
Heh - that's hilarious - especially with the straw!
I wonder if it's Phentex or the new camo yarn from Bernat that comes in Hunter Orange...........yowza!
Thanks for sharing.... the DF and I are still chuckling!
Hey look, a human carrot.
Yikes! And I've been too lazy to start a sweater!
It looks like an orange mummy.
Wow - TOTALLY figure flattering!!
His hand is covering up the part that I'd like to see how they 'increased' or 'decreased' for!
OMG - That is just crazy!
Ok, I've found my mission in life! To knit one of those! LOL.
K thats scarry even to me!
Alright, I'm feeling lost, but it's a girl right, that or he has man boobs.
But that's crocheted....creepy nevertheless. :-p
inspired! i love it. and personally think it has a long way to go before i'd list it on the you knit [crochet] what? for that, it would need some tackiness added - embroidery, curly q dangles, a mohawk, or some combination. i think it's glorious in its simplicity and awe inspiring*ness.
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