24 April 2007

Knitted Bags and Ragtime Piano

I have actually been knitting the last few days...and even have a finished project. I finished the handles for the knitted bag I started and completed on vacation. It was a quick knit...and fun because of the color changes in the Noro.

I started a second felted back...it's a bucket bag with a circular base. I stepped out of my color comfort zone and choose a sea foam green and a varigated yarn with reds and blues. It's turning out really pretty --- and it's fun to knit.

I'd share pictures, but I forgot my knitting at home. I've spend the last few days at my parent's house spending time with Grandma A --- my favorite grandma!

Right now, she's napping and I'm sitting in her room listening to Mom play piano downstairs. It's nice to hear...reminds me of when I was little.

It's a beautiful spring day...blue sky and green grass. I'm so glad spring is finally here!


The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Enjoy your visit!

buttercup said...

Are you following a pattern for the bucket bag? If so which one? I can't wait to see the colors.

Anonymous said...

you finished the purse??? I have to get cracking - Erin

Shannon said...

Hugs & Kisses Sweetie!

Brooke said...

Steph - if you need i-cords for your other purse, talk to me. I was too lazy to do them the right way and I'm totally cheating...but it's SO SO much faster! Lemme know if you're interested!