Twice in one day...what am I crazy?
Checked out the latest Vogue Knitting on the way home. I don't remember much because I was so distracted by the stink sitting next to me.
No suprise, the El always smells a little funky. Even more now that the weather is warming up and I don't think the cars have been cleaned EVER.
Nothing is worse than sitting next to an old man with bad breath. Oh wait! There is something worse --- when his friend sitting in the seat intersecting yours and they have a coversation for the ENTIRE ride. Stinky old man breath for 30 minutes.
Sure, I could have gotten up and moved seats...but it seemed like too big of a hassle at the time.
By the way, I'm pretty sure my breathe was better...I'm addicted to the new dark chocolate covered Altoids, I think I ate about 20 of them today.
Marie swears that she is not the "Depressed Knitter." I'm not sure if I believe her. If she's telling the truth, my money might be on Kathy, Laura, or Steve. But why would Steve be reading my knit blog? Enquiring minds what to know...I want to know.
I think its Laura!!!
Chocolate covered Altoids? I think I'll have to go look for those...
Those Altoids are the best! I love dark chocolate. Mmmm
I am just elated that you are posting so often. I feel that my life has reached a turning point. I have you to thank. I don't have to finish knitting that blanket that I had planned to smother myself with. I now have two things to look forward in life...your posts and my passion for knitting. It brings me such great joy when I drive past your house and watch you play with your dog through the window. I sometimes wish I could knock on your door and we could knit together. I SOOO want to be part of knit night. It sounds so much fun. Keep up the posts
Depressed knitter so isn't me...I don't have the time ot be depressed. And, I am invited to knit night already!
Could Depressed Knitter be your SP? I didn't find anything I liked in the new VK. Strangely enough, I got the Winter issue about two weeks ago and liked a couple of things, but it's getting warm already! Can't wait to see what sock yarn you got. :)
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