24 September 2006

Sorry --- No Pictures!

I am lost without my digital camera --- I can't download pics from my cell phone because I misplaced the sync cord! I really want to show progress on my Level I project.

Yes, I have begun knitting swatches for my binder. Completed are Swatches are 1, 2, and 3. I'm already thinking that I might need to reknit the second one.

Between reading postings on TKGA Master's message board and flipping through some of the suggested books, it may sound funny, but I've learned quite a bit already!

Two of the books include Knitting in Plain English by Maggie Richetti and Knitter's Handbook by Monte Stanley.

I also ordered used copies of Big Book of Knitting by Katharina Buss, The Knitters Book of Finishing Techniques by Nancie Wiseman, and Vogue Knitting: The Ultimate Knitting Book.

I can't believe I didn't have any of these wonderful books! Looks like I'm building quite a reference library of knitting books!

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