18 February 2007

Spinning...and not at the gym

I had my second spinning lesson today --- and it was great!

Bought some dreamy alpaca roving that I plan on knitting a lacey shawl with.

Hmmm...I think I'm going through a shawl phase.

If you're wondering what's with me and purple...I really don't know. It's almost creepy how I'm drawn to it --- kind of like my sister and brown. I'm certain that it has nothing to do with the Purple Pie Man, because I was never really into Strawberry Shortcake.

Marie bought yarn to make my "purple cardigan" but in a really pretty heathered blue...robin's egg blue. It's going to be really nice...and not brown. Though, it will look nice with brown pants.


Marie said...

I think you're drawn to purple because Grandma A always wears it haha!
Thanks for going with me to the yarn store--- although I think I might just start buying roving and having you spin it for me. It looks so good! I'm very impressed!

AR said...

I'm kind of like that with orange. I really like it.

Your purple yarn is looking good. :)

Ilix said...

Purple is awesome!!!!
how could you try to resist.....
a friend of mine would say that it "vibrates at the right frequency" which is why you like it so much! LOL who knows, if you look good in it, work it!