23 February 2007

The Old Girl is Finally Back

Yes --- my laptop is finally back from the repair shop. It's been too long! There were quite a few internal pieces that were replaced. Don't ask me what they were...I might say a carburetor, because I know nothing about the internal working of a computer, or car for that matter.

Besides my lastest obsession with spinning --- I'm whipping up some dreamy, sparkley purple alpaca --- I'm working to reduce my sock yarn stash. Wouldn't it be nice to have a drawer filled with mostly hand-knit socks? Here's a picture of some crazy soft yarn I'm building a sock with

Can anyone explain why, when I upload photos into my post, Blogger adds extra returns --- or spaces between paragraphs? (not sure exactly what they're called) It's totally frustrating.


Wendy DG said...

Oooh. I love those socks. Great shades of green.

Ilix said...

ooooooo, socks are good!
I hate that blogger does that thing with the photos too, I always have to edit!
Can't wait to see that spinning made into something lovely.

Shannon said...

See! Yours are so nice! No blood splotches!

TK said...

It would be nice to have a drawer full of hand-knit socks. I'm itching to make a pair of socks. I may have to start a pair today. You've inspired me!b

Jan said...

I love those stripes! Can you tell me what kind of yarn that is? It would go great with the green sweater I'm knitting. And I just told Chrissy I wouldn't buy any yarn.........

Unknown said...

I love those socks!!

I just started with a spinning class, but it was with the drop spindel, which was fun, but I'm thinking it's just not my thing. That purple yarn looks yummy!

Rose Red said...

Love those stripy socks - I too aspire to a drawer (almost) full of hand-knitted socks. I have the same problem with blogger and photos. No idea why.

Deborah said...

sounds like something is up with the earth's magnetic field, i swear that everything is broken in my house! glad to hear your computer is fixed.

Marie said...

Welcome back laptop! Your sock's looking great! Remember if it doesn't fit right, my feet are bigger, and I won't mind taking them off your hands! :)

Unknown said...

Is that some Trekking I see? They are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

That is really pretty yarn - so you can make me stuff with it!

Anonymous said...

The socks are looking great-- I love that colorway

Procrastiknitter said...

THe color is just GORGEOUS! I love the socks. Also, glad the laptop is back in working order!

AR said...

Blogger must be giving you my spaces. When I publish, mine disappear, and there are no spaces between my paragraphs. Weird.

limedragon :-: Harriet said...

Love these stripes! Is that Austermann Step? I want a drawer full of handknit socks too; I tend to give away quite a few pairs, need to knit more for myself. :)