Lion's Brand Gets a Face Lift
Shannon recently posted about the hipper patterns from Lion Brand.
Did they hire a new marketing team...because I almost fell over when I saw the spring/summer 2007 catalog in the mail today.
There are some really cool patterns...and the photography is really nice...Cool perspectives and beautiful new colors.
Ok...before you rush over to their warned, it is still really lame and outdated. I'm sure this will change with time.
A cool feature on their site is the Charity Connection. This is a great tool to connect with charities that you're interested or even ones in your hometown!
A friend passed along a link to this story from Tuscon, AZ - Women in 80s stay active knitting caps for the needy - tell me I'm not the only one who got a little teary-eyed...or is it because I just started my period and I'm a little emotional?
See-always listen to your mother! I haven't gotten the catalog yet-I looked for that ribbon yarn in the local Crap Store but they didn't have it yet.
Your not the only one who that made cry-I cry at anything. The worst: Old man-eating alone in like a Boston Market or something-brings me to tears every time!
I almost fell over myself - could not believe the catalog!
i love the picture of the beak, although i think the jacket would look better on ruby>
I was really surprised by the catalog too. I didn't even know they made organic cotton.
OMGosh! That is a total 180! I say thanks, but my husband says, "Thanks a lot" (insert sarcastic tone here).
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