29 December 2006

What Happened?!

Ok --- so I got a little excited about the new features in Blogger and lost my old format!

Yes, I copied the HTML into notebook before jazzing around --- but now it won't accept the old coding.

I'm a little mad about it --- I liked the old design better.

Oh well, not much I can do about it now. Guess I will have a new look for 2007!


Shannon said...

Blog looks good-like the color scheme-I am so glad you like Anji Bee-I love that show.


Cheryl said...

Bummer about losing your blog design! Crap. Oh well - new year, fresh start.

AR said...

Too bad about that! Hope you fix it up just how you want it soon! I love your bobble hat from a few posts ago.

Thanks for the nice comment at my blog! :)