24 November 2006

If you don't like it, don't do it!

I know this may not be a popular view --- but I NEED to get this off my chest.

Those participating in Secret Pal 9 received an email from Kerry on Thursday November 23 retracting the Helmet Liner Charity Knitting Challenge.

Helmet Liners are used by our troops to keep warm during sub-zero winter temperatures in places like Afganistan, Iraq, Kosovo, and Korea.

Apparently, some of the nearly 550 SP9 participates were upset & offended with this challenge and so the rules were changed. My response to these people is..."If you don't like it, don't participate in the challenge!"

I know some people are not supportive of US military involvement in the Middle East but I cannot understand how Americans can be against supporting our troops --- the ones volunteering their lives for our country.

Yes, it's true, many particpating in SP9 live outside the United States --- but the rules indicate that the SP program is based in the US and welcomes participants in other countries.

It's sad to see yet another example of how out-of-whack society is --- so many are caught up in "polictical correctness" and worry about offending people. Get over it --- speak your mind and support your opinions.

What am I going to do?
I am working to finish my second blue sock (close to toe-completion). Once this is completed, I will put my Christmas knitting on hold and whip out a few helmet liners for the troops.

Blogger is being dumb and I cannot upload the Navy or Coast Guard flags. I will try to get them up later.


Kerry said...

Bless you Stephanie!!! I'm not retracting my challenge either, I still want people to knit helmet liners like crazy to keep our soldiers warm. I think it's the least we can do to show our support and love. I've just added to the challenge so everyone feels included. :-) Thanks so much for your support on this project!

Marie said...

Great post! I'm sick to death with whiners... if you don't want to participate, guess what... make another scarf.

Brooke said...

Stephanie - good for you for telling it how it is! I wish everyone who opposed the war would still understand we need to support our troops.

Rose Red said...

I'm with you on this - there is a difference between supporting the war and supporting the troops - Australia has troops in Iraq too - which I hate - but I am absolutely supportive of them, even though I don't agree for their reasons for being there (it isn't their decision where they are posted, after all). Don't want to see a repeat of what happened in Australia to the Vietnam veterans (many of whom were conscripted and had no choice either).

Anonymous said...

Speak out sister - that is what our country is made of and if I were a better knitter I would make a helmet liner!