24 May 2007

Oh Yaaa, Fargo

My trip to Fargo on Tuesday was a flop. The day started off with our flight being cancelled. The airline said it was mechanical issues...I'm sure it's because the flight wasn't full. So, we waiting a few hours at O'Hare to board the next tiny plane to North Dakota.

I travelled with two fellas I work with. Good news...nobody ended up in a woodchipper!

After our meeting, we our flight was delayed a couple hours. So, let me tell you, I know the Fargo airport pretty well --- all 4 gates of it!

Here's a view from the airport. The view was pretty much the same from all directions --- flat, green, and not many trees.

I did start on a sock on the way home. It's coming along nicely and will be my daily travel project on the train to work.


Rose Red said...

You are so lucky to be able to knit on the plane. Shame about the delays - urk!

Ilix said...

Wow, Fargo sounds fun! LOL
Do they have good coffee???

celeste said...

that photo sure looks nice enough. i couldn't possibly stand to have trees be the only variance in the landscape though.

Deborah said...

Very funny. I don't think I would ever be able to visit there without remembering that movie!

Heather said...

Wow...Bismarck ND's airport is remarkably similar. But Bismarck doesn't have a yarn store...I thought since Fargo had the (One) LYS in all of ND that you'd at least have a shee-shee airport...
Huh...go figure.
; )

Just say no to chipping!

Anonymous said...

sorry your trip was a bust :( atleast you had a good excuse to start a sock :)

Anonymous said...

Fargo... Donthca know. Ya, I'm from New Ulm, Minnesota. Whatcha think of da weather we're havin' now. :) Love the show. Keep up the good work.